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Putting on the Dump Bed Frame

What we accomplished this week was the dump bed installation. We had to maneuver the dump bed frame over the trailer frame and weld both frames to the hinge. We first had to cut out slots on the dump bed frame for the hinge to slide into so the solid hinge pipe can slide through the open pipe of the hinge. Next we had to elevate the bed frame into the air using a tractor. We attached chains to the frame in a way that it would lift the frame off the ground parallel to the floor. We attached the chains to the frame, lifted the bed frame, and set it onto the trailer frame. Once there we manhandled it into place and welded it onto the hinge. This allowed for the full installation of the dump bed frame.

We were also able to cut out the vertical support for the dump bed. Using a plasma cutter we cut out notches from the vertical parts so that a horizontal piece of angle iron can slide into place flush to the vertical bar. In the next week we plan to install the vertical components, buy a hydraulic kit, and cut and weld in the floor paneling on the frame. In the next coming weeks we still need to install the hydraulics, build a tool box, build safety bars, install fenders, install lights, and paint the trailer. Much of this can be done very rapidly and our plan accounts for us to finish by the end of February. We still have a ways to go, but we are rushing to get the project done. But if we stick to our plan we can accomplish our goal.

What we did well this week was getting through a hard step we knew would take a very long time. We can now work on the dump bed frame straight from the trailer and get it done as fast as possible. With time running out we are setting ourselves up to work faster, giving us the best chance to finish on time.

What we need to work on is finding more time to work on the trailer. The trips we make out every weekend to work on the trailer are not getting enough done to finish this project on time. In the coming weeks we need to work on it a lot more and if we need to bring it home to work on it during the week than so be it. But for now we just need to think hard and try to work on it as much as we can. No matter what we do we just need to get more done. Hopefully in the coming weeks we work on improving on this so we can get more done.

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