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Taking Something from Nothing

What we focused on this week was scheduling, planning, and contacting our mentors to help us. The reason why we did not work on the project is because our mentor, who owns and runs the shop we work at, was absent from the shop which did not allow us to work. We were planning to cut more steel, but at the end of the day it was out of our control. We still have a lot of materials to buy, cut, and put together, and we need to start making our to do list dwindle week by week.

So instead what we did this week was a lot of scheduling. We called our mentor and asked for the availability of the shop this coming weekend and we made time in our to work on the project, as well as schedule our school life around it. We also asked our mentor’s son, who is a skilled welder, if he could help us. In speaking with him he let us know that the welding that is done on the frame of the trailer is what makes or breaks a trailer and if done wrong can be very dangerous. He agreed to help us with this procedure to give us his expertise on the subject and make sure it is done correctly.

We planned that this coming week we would finish the angle cutting on the frame of the trailer and weld the pieces together. If that does not go to plan due to our mentor’s son, Jared and his availability this weekend, we could also continue and finish the cutting for all the pieces of the trailer. The next step is to go to the shop this weekend and respond through the adversity that may transpire.

What we did well this week was communication. We knew we could not work on the trailer, so we decided to get on our phones and make things happen. We asked for availability and most importantly help. We are knew to all of these things and this project is going to take a major learning curve. We want to absorb as much knowledge as we can going through this project. We also did well in scheduling, and made sure our team and our mentors we all on the same page..

What we need to improve on going forward is trying to figure out and schedule when we will be able to work on the trailer and not. We were stuck with little to do with the project and we need to find something more beneficial for the project. We need to double check our mentor’s schedule and our own to create a plan of when we can go to the shop. We also need to figure out what we can do that will benefit the project when we cannot go to the shop. Either way we have a long way to go and need to figure a lot of things out going forward.

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